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Package change workflow

This page attempts to describe the change workflow in order to implement change requests that have been detailed on an SCCB ticket.

Adding/updating packages


To add/update an External package, add or modify a single-line reference to the package in the packages/upstream.yaml. file.

Please remember to follow the guidance rules regarding external packages.


To add/update an Internal package, add or modify a YAML file for that package. This will typically require two things

  1. Identify the right build_string lines for each Python version, platform, and architecture.
  2. Work out what platforms, if any, need to be skipped.
  3. Configure some integration tests.

An in-place description of the YAML syntax can be found in the packages/template.yaml exemplar.

Determining version numbers and build strings

In order to add a new package, or upgrade an existing package, the new package version and build string(s) need to be determined.

The version number should be declared in the SCCB ticket, which can then be used to determine the build string by using the script (from this repo):

python ./scripts/ <package> <version> output

> python ./scripts/ python-framel 8.40.1
This will print something like this:

  name: python-framel
  version: 8.40.1
  build_string: py36h785e9b2_0  # [linux and x86_64 and py==36]
  build_string: py37h03ebfcd_0  # [linux and x86_64 and py==37]
  build_string: py38h8790de6_0  # [linux and x86_64 and py==38]
  build_string: py36h255dfe6_0  # [osx and x86_64 and py==36]
  build_string: py37h10e2902_0  # [osx and x86_64 and py==37]
  build_string: py38h65ad66c_0  # [osx and x86_64 and py==38]
  build_string: py36h9902d54_0  # [win and x86_64 and py==36]
  build_string: py37h9dff50a_0  # [win and x86_64 and py==37]
  build_string: py38h377fac3_0  # [win and x86_64 and py==38]

Support multiple platforms using selectors

Specifying a unique build_string for multiple platforms, architectures, and Python versions is achieved using conda-build's pre-processing selectors.

These selectors can be used on any line of the YAML file, and only when the selector evaluates to true will that line actually be used to define a package.

Restricting the build

You can use the --build option to specify a build string (or wildcard) to restrict the results to a single build.

Skipping a package on certain platforms

While we strive to provide the IGWN Conda Distribution on a wider variety of platforms and architectures, not all packages are built for all platforms, architectures, or Python versions, so it may be necessary to declare skip: true for some packages. This should be done as a top-level key in the YAML file using selectors to restrict when a package is skipped.

Common skip examples

skip: true  # [py<39]
skip: true  # [win or (linux and not x86_64)]

Optional requirements

An internal package should declare its own optional requirements as a list specified by the requirements key:

Optional requirements

  - pytest-freezegun

Use cases for optional requirements include (but are not limited to):

  • supporting an optional feature
  • test requirements that aren't runtime requirements
  • constraining a third-party package that is known to conflict with the internal package

Integration tests

Each internal package should be tested to ensure its integration into the distribution In most cases this will mean adding tests directly to the YAML file for that package, however in some cases a package is best tested by running tests defined for a downstream package.

There are a number of different types of tests, all of which can be used on their own, or together for a package.

Import tests

import tests specify one or more Python modules that are imported in a Python session as a basic sanity check.


    - package
    - package.module
pytest tests

pytest tests declare a script or module that should be executed using pytest.

For a custom Python script, the argument for the test/pytest option should just be the name of the script, which should them be added to the computing/conda project alongside the YAML file:


For packages that bundle their own test suite as a subpackage that is installed, you can declare the test using --pyargs:

  pytest: --pyargs mypackage

The test/pytest option can also specify a list of independent test scripts/modules to execute:

    - --pyargs mypackage

pytest command execution

pytest tests are executed using the following invocation:

python -m pytest --cache-clear --no-header -r a <args>

where <args> is the literal content of the test/pytest entry.

Script tests

script tests specify a Python, Bash, or Powershell (dependening on the platform) script file that is executed to test a package.



Each script should be added to the computing/conda project alongside the YAML file in the packages/. directory.

Script execution

script tests are executed using the following invocation based on the file extension of the script option:

bash -e <args>
bash.exe -el <args>
perl <args>
python <args>

All other file extensions will result in an error, however it should be straightforward to modify scripts/ to support new extensions.

Tests run in unique, temporary directories

Each script is copied at runtime into a unique temporary directory, so must be able to run independently of the contents of the computing/conda project. The temporary directory is automatically cleaned up once the test completes, so manual clean up of created/downloaded files is not required.

Command tests

command tests specify lines of shell code that are executed to test a package.

For example, to run a single command:

  command: mything --help

or to run multiple commands, specify a list:

    - mything --help
    - myotherthing --help

Each line is treated as an indepdendent test that is executed literally in a unique process, so multiple lines cannot be chained to form a script. In that case use a Script test.

Getting packages into testing

To get packages in testing, open a merge request against testing. The CI will run to validate things.

Once the CI passes, the MR can be merged immediately in order to deploy the new packages into the testing environments.

Migrating packages from testing to staging

To migrate packages from testing into staging:

  1. go back to the merge request you posted for testing, and click the Cherry-pick button,
  2. in the popup, under Pick into branch, select staging
  3. ensure that the Start a new merge request with these changes radio box is checked
  4. Click Cherry-pick.

Apply the right labels

Please then apply the sccb::pending label to indicate that the SCCB is still considering this request. Please also apply any other labels that seem appropriate.

Wait for SCCB approval

Once the CI passes, wait until the SCCB approves the request.

As soon as the SCCB approves the request, the MR should then be merged to deploy the new packages into the staging environments.

Creating a new stable release

When deployment time arrives, a new stable distribution should be created, see Tagging a release.


Determining why a package isn't available

If errors, it may be because a package (at a particular version) isn't available in conda-forge. You can perform a basic search to see if any version of that package is available (useful if the requested package is new):

conda search my-new-package

From here there are three likely outcomes:

  1. The package isn't available at any version; it is likely that the requested package simply isn't packaged for conda yet. In that case you can check the conda-forge staged-recipes repository's Pull Requests list to see if there's a PR marked Add my-new-package.

    If there is a PR, just keep track of it and add the package when it becomes available. If there isn't a PR, you should contact the developer to ask whether they plan to add one, if they don't have a plan, give them a stern look and ask them to make one.

  2. The package isn't available at the requested version, only earlier ones; it is likely that the conda-forge feedstock hasn't yet been updated to reflect the new upstream release. In this case you can check the feedstock repo Pull Requests list at

    (replace my-new-package with an actual package name). If the feedstock is well formed the conda-forge autotick bot should make a PR automatically when an upstream tarball is uploaded (e.g. to, otherwise you might have to open a ticket on the feedstock, or just directly contact the feedstock maintainers (likely the developers of the package themselves) to see what's going on.

  3. The package isn't available at the specifically requested version, but is available at newer versions. In this case it's more trouble than it's worth to attempt to backport the given version for conda-forge, you should go back to the requester and see if the closest matching version that does exist in conda-forge will fulfil their request.

Resolving conflicts

It is relatively common, when updating a package, that the new/updated package conflicts with one or more existing packages in the distribution. In my experience there are two reasons for this:

  1. Direct conflict, where the requirements for the new/updated package and one of the existing packages form a mutually exclusive set. In this case the only thing you can really do is go back to the requester (of the new/updated package) and tell them there's a conflict.

    You may be able to convince the maintainer of the conflicting packages to update their requirements to resolve things.

  2. Migration-based conflict, where the new/updated package has been built against a new version of some upstream library while existing packages were built against an older version.

    This is typically the case when conda-forge has migrated the upstream package to a new ABI version.

    In this case all immediate dependents of the relevant migrated upstream package must be updated to a new build that was made against the new upstream package. Examples of upstream packages for which migrations may require this include gsl and root_base. The full list of pinned packages that are subject to migration rules are found in the conda-forge-pinning-feedstock.