ldas-tools-framecpp  3.0.4

Usage: framecpp_verify [options] file [file ...]

This verifies the contents of each file on the command line.

–bs Number of 1k blocks to use for io. (Default: 256 )
–use-mmap Use memory mapped io. (Default: disabled )
–checksum-frames Run checksums on individual frames. (Default: no )
–checksum-file-only Only validate the file checksum. (Default: no )
–verbose Display file name and exit status of each file processed. If it appears multiple times on the command line, the level of verbosity will increase. (Default: silent )
–no-metadata-check Disable the checking of the frame's meta data. (Default: no check )
–metadata-check Enable the checking of the frame's meta data. (Default: no check )
–check-for-duplicate-channel-names Check for duplicate channel names within a frame (Default: check )
–data-valid-all Check the dataValid bit in FrAdcData structures for non-zero values. This reports all channels with non-zero dataValid values. (Default: first only )
–data-valid Check the dataValid bit in FrAdcData structures for non-zero values (Default: no check )
–collect-all-errors Collect all errors associated with the stream (Default: first )
–relax-eof-checksum Accepts file that lack an end of file checksum. (Default: disabled )
–relax Use a relaxed interpretation of the frame specification (Default: false )
–force Verify each of the files instead of exiting on first exit. (Default: false )
–help Display this message