ldas-tools-framecpp  3.0.4

Usage: framecpp_sample [options]

Creates various sample files.

–version Verion of the frame specification to use for the output frame. (Default: 8 )
–test-frame-mode Enable test frame mode (Default: 0 )
–start-time Specify the gps start time in seconds. (Default: 600000000 )
–iterations Number of sets of channels to produce. This can be used to inflate the size of a frame. (Default: 1 )
–help Display this message
–duration The length of the frame in seconds. (Default: 1 )
–duration Add a channel type to the output frame. This option may appear multiple times on the command line to specify multiple channel types.
–description Specify the contents of the discription portion of the frame filename. (Default: ilwd_test_frame )