ldas-tools-framecpp  3.0.4

Usage: framecpp_checksum [options] file [file ...]

This verify the contents of each file on the command line.

–bs Number of 1k blocks to use for io. (Default: 256 )
–use-mmap Use memory mapped io. (Default: disabled )
–checksum-structure Enable validation of the structure checksums.
–checksum-frame Enable validation of the frame checksums.
–checksum-file Enable validation of the file checksum.
–verbose Display file name and exit status of each file processed. If it appears multiple times on the command line, the level of verbosity will increase. (Default: silent )
–relax-eof-checksum Accepts files that lack an end of file checksum. (Default: disabled )
–force Verify each of the files instead of exiting on first exit. (Default: false )
–help Display this message