Source code for igwn_alert.client

# Copyright (C) Alexander Pace (2021)
# Copyright (C) Duncan Meacher (2021)
# This file is part of igwn_alert
# igwn_alert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with igwn_alert.  If not, see <>.

import logging
import json
import hop
import sys
import threading
import warnings

from json import JSONDecodeError
from adc.errors import KafkaException
from hop import Stream, list_topics  # noqa: F401
from hop.auth import Auth
from hop.models import JSONBlob
from safe_netrc import netrc
from urllib.parse import urlparse, ParseResult
from datetime import timedelta
from time import sleep

__all__ = ('client', 'DEFAULT_SERVER',

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_SERVER = 'kafka://'
DEFAULT_GROUP = 'gracedb'
DEFAULT_BATCH_TIMEOUT = timedelta(seconds=0.2)

[docs] class client(Stream): """A hop-scotch client configured for igwn_alerts from GraceDB Parameters ---------- username : str (optional) The SCIMMA username, or :obj:`None` to look up with hop auth or netrc password : str (optional) The SCIMMA password, or :obj:`None` to look up with hop auth or netrc auth : :class:`Auth <hop.auth.Auth>` (optional) A :code:`hop.auth.Auth` object. authfile : str (optional) Path to hop :code:`auth.toml` noauth : bool (optional) Set to `True` for unauthenticated session group : str (optional) GraceDB group (e.g., `gracedb`, `gracedb-playground`) consumer_group : str (optional) The consumer group ID to use for consuming messages. This can be used across sessions to avoid missed messages as well as allowing load-balancing of messages across multiple consumers assigned to the same consumer group. If not set, one will be randomly generated. server : str (optional) The server host (i.e., kafka://.....) port : int (optional) The server port batch_size : int (optional) The number of messages to request per batch. Higher values may be more efficient, but may add latency batch_timeout : timedelta (optional) How long the client waits to gather a full batch of messages. Higher values may be more efficient, but may add latency retry_on_fatal : bool (optional) Listening client should reconnect on fatal KafkaExceptions Default: false listen_retries: int (optional) Number of times to retry on fatal KafkaException Default: 3 retry_wait: float (optional) Time to wait before retrying on fatal KafkaException Default: 0.1 Example ------- Here is an example for listing topics: .. code-block:: python alert_client = client(group='gracedb-test') topics = alert_client.get_topics() Here is an example for running a listener. .. code-block:: python def process_alert(topic, payload): if topic == 'cbc_gstlal': alert = json.loads(payload) ... client = IGWNAlertClient(group='gracedb-test') topics = ['superevent', 'cbc_gstlal'] client.listen(process_alert, topics) """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, auth=None, authfile=None, noauth=False, group=DEFAULT_GROUP, consumer_group=None, server=DEFAULT_SERVER, port=DEFAULT_PORT, batch_size=DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE, batch_timeout=DEFAULT_BATCH_TIMEOUT, retry_on_fatal=False, listen_retries=DEFAULT_LISTEN_RETRIES, retry_wait=DEFAULT_RETRY_WAIT, jsonpp_on=False): assert isinstance(server, str), \ '"server" must be str, not {}'.format(type(server)) self.server = server assert isinstance(port, int), \ '"port" must be int, not {}'.format(type(port)) self.port = port assert isinstance(group, str), \ '"group" must be str, not {}'.format(type(group)) self.group_prefix = group self.consumer_group = consumer_group self.batch_size = batch_size self.batch_timeout = batch_timeout self.retry_on_fatal = retry_on_fatal self.listen_retries = listen_retries self.retry_wait = retry_wait self.jsonpp_on = jsonpp_on self.stop_listening = threading.Event() # Construct the base url prefix for this session. self.base_url_prefix = self._construct_base_url() # Initiate the session dict: self.sessions = {} # Construct hop.auth.Auth object. # The order it checks is: # 1) auth kwarg # 2) noauth enabled # 3) Username AND password # 4) User-desribed location of toml auth file. # 5) Default location of toml auth file ($HOME/.config/hop/auth.toml) # 6) .netrc file ($HOME/.netrc) hop_auth = hop.auth if auth is not None: pass elif noauth: auth = False elif (username and password): auth = Auth(username, password) elif bool(username) != bool(password): raise RuntimeError('You must provide both a username and a ' 'password for basic authentication.') elif authfile: auth = hop_auth.load_auth(authfile) else: try: auth = hop_auth.load_auth() except Exception: try: netrc_auth = netrc().authenticators(self.server) except IOError: warnings.warn("No authentication found. Proceeding " "with unathenticated session") auth = False else: if netrc_auth is not None: auth = Auth(netrc_auth[0], netrc_auth[2]) # Retain the hop.auth.Auth obj self.auth_obj = auth self._listen_stream = None super().__init__(auth=auth) def _construct_base_url(self): """ Contruct the URL, port, and group path for this session """ # parse server URL: old = urlparse(self.server) # construct full URL, with group prefix: return ParseResult(scheme=old.scheme, netloc="{}:{}".format(old.hostname, self.port), path=old.path + self.group_prefix, params=old.params, query=old.query, fragment=old.fragment).geturl() def _construct_topic_url(self, topics): """ Construct the full URL, given a list of topics, or single topic. """ if isinstance(topics, str): topics = [topics] url = urlparse(self.base_url_prefix) delimiter = ',' + url.path[1:] + '.' return ParseResult(scheme=url.scheme, netloc=url.netloc, path=url.path + '.' + delimiter.join(topics), params=url.params, query=url.query, fragment=url.fragment).geturl()
[docs] def listen(self, callback=None, topic=None): """ Set a callback to be executed for each pubsub item received. Parameters ---------- callback : callable (optional) A function of two arguments: the topic and the alert payload. When set to :obj:`None`, print out alert payload. topic : :obj:`str`, or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` (optional) Topic or list of topics to listen to. When set to :obj:`None`, then listen to all topics connected to user's credential. """ if topic: if isinstance(topic, str): topic = [topic] listen_topics = topic'Listening to all {num} topics ' 'on {server}'.format(num=len(listen_topics), server=self.server)) else: listen_topics = self.get_topics()'Listening to all {num} available topics ' 'on {server}'.format(num=len(listen_topics), server=self.server)) # construct the listening url: url = self._construct_topic_url(listen_topics) # Start the retriable listening routine: fatal_restart_attempts = 1 self.stop_listening.clear() while not self.stop_listening.is_set(): # open the stream: self._listen_stream = \, "r", group_id=self.consumer_group) try: with self._listen_stream as s: for payload, metadata in metadata=True, batch_size=self.batch_size, batch_timeout=self.batch_timeout):'New message from topic {}'.format( metadata.topic)) # Fix in case message is in new format: if isinstance(payload, JSONBlob): payload = payload.content else: try: payload = json.loads(payload) except (JSONDecodeError, TypeError) as e: warnings.warn("Payload is not valid " "json: {}".format(e)) # If a new message came in successfully, then reset # the restart counter. fatal_restart_attempts = 1 if not callback: if self.jsonpp_on: msg = json.dumps( json.loads(payload), indent=4) else: msg = payload print('New message from topic ' f'{metadata.topic}:\n{msg}') else: callback(topic=metadata.topic.split('.')[1], payload=payload) if self.stop_listening.is_set(): break except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): self._listen_stream.close() sys.exit(0) except KafkaException as e: # check to see if it's a fatal error, and if so # close the stream to stop lisening: if e.fatal: log.warning(f'fatal error from kafka: {e} ' f'on attempt {fatal_restart_attempts}') self._listen_stream.close() # retry logic: sleep(self.retry_wait) fatal_restart_attempts += 1 if ((fatal_restart_attempts > self.listen_retries) or not self.retry_on_fatal): self.stop_listening.set() log.critical('Maximum number of retries reached ' 'or not attempted on fatal ' 'KafkaExceptions. Shuting down and ' 'raising exception.') raise else: log.warning("Non-Fatal KafkaException: {}".format(e))
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stops listening to alerts. Thread-safe. """ self.stop_listening.set() if self._listen_stream: self._listen_stream._consumer.stop()
[docs] def connect(self, topics): """ Takes in a topic or list of topics. Create writable stream objects for each of the topics in the list. Must have publish rights on topic. Parameters ---------- topic : :obj:`str`, or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Topic or list of topics to publish to """ if isinstance(topics, str): topics = [topics] # populate the session dict with new sessions: for topic in topics: self.sessions[topic] =, "w")'Connected to topics: {topics}')
[docs] def publish_to_topic(self, topic, msg): """ Publish to a specific topic after a session has been connected with client.connect() Parameters ---------- topic : :obj:`str` Topic name to publish to msg : :obj:`str` A message to publish to a topic """ if not self.sessions: raise RuntimeError('No active sessions. Please ' 'connect before publishing to a topic.') # Write something: try: self.sessions[topic].write(msg) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(f'Not connected to topic {topic}. Please ' 'connect before publishing to a topic.')'Published {msg} to topic {topic}')
[docs] def flush_by_topic(self, topic): """ Flush the stream session for a specific topic after the session has been connected with client.connect() Parameters ---------- topic : :obj:`str` Topic name to publish to """ if not self.sessions: raise RuntimeError('No active sessions. Please ' 'connect before publishing to a topic.') try: self.sessions[topic].flush() except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(f'Not connected to topic {topic}. Please ' 'connect before publishing to a topic.')'Flushed topic {topic}')
[docs] def disconnect(self, topics=None): """ Close all the current stream, or optionally close a single or list of topics Parameters ---------- topic : :obj:`str`, or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` (optional) Topic or list of topics to disconnect from. If None, then disconnect from all topics. """ if not topics: for topic, session in self.sessions.items(): session.close() else: if isinstance(topics, str): topics = [topics] for topic in topics: try: self.sessions[topic].close() self.sessions.pop(topic) except Exception: warnings.warn("Not currently connected to " "topic {}".format(topic))'Disconnected from topics {topics}')
[docs] def publish(self, topic, msg=None): """ Send an alert without pre-establishing a session. Parameters ---------- topic : :obj:`str`, or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` (optional) Topic or list of topics to publish to. msg : :obj:`str` A message to publish to a topic """ with, "w") as s: s.write(msg)
[docs] def get_topics(self, group=None): """ Get a list of all available pubsub topics. Parameters ---------- group : :obj:`str` (optional) Group prefix (e.g., "gracedb", "gracedb-playground") to show topics for. If :obj:`None`, list topics for the current group. """ # Get the gracedb group from the argument, or from the # current session. if not group: group = self.group_prefix # Get the dict of topics from the server. convert the keys to a list. # Note: self.auth currently returns a list. FIXME: for now return the # first item in the list. Assumes only one credential, i guess. lt = hop.list_topics if not self.auth: all_topics = list(lt.list_topics(url=self.server, auth=self.auth).keys()) else: all_topics = list(lt.list_topics(url=self.server, auth=self.auth[0]).keys()) return [topic.split('.')[1] for topic in all_topics if group + '.' in topic]
[docs] def get_subscriptions(self): """ Get a list of your subscriptions. """ warnings.warn("This feature is deprecated. Please refer " "to the client.listen() method", DeprecationWarning)
[docs] def subscribe(self, *topics): """ Subscribe to one or more pubsub topics. """ warnings.warn("This feature is deprecated. Please supply" "list of topics to client.listen(), " "and ensure you have permission to read " "from topics.", DeprecationWarning)
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, *topics): """ Unsubscribe from one or more pubsub topics. """ warnings.warn("This feature is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning)
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete a pubsub topic """ warnings.warn("This feature is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning)