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IGWN Debian Repositories

IGWN Software support for Debian is provided by the Max Plank Institute for Gravitational Physics at Potsdam-Golm via a "flat" (and unsigned) repository, with one directory per platform (architecture x distribution).

Configuring apt

Debian users can configure the IGWN Debian Repositories as an extra package source.

You might need to install ca-certificates and apt-transport-https before

In order to accept the certificate offered by you may need to install the ca-certificates package. Also, since hypatia insists on using https, the apt-transport-https package has to be installed:

apt-get install ca-certificates
apt-get install apt-transport-https

Create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lscdebian.list with the following content:

deb [trusted=yes]{arch}-{dist} ./

where {arch} can be one of

  • amd64,
  • arm64,
  • i386,
  • powerpc,
  • ppc64el,

and {dist} one of

  • buster,
  • bullseye.

Automatic configuration

To configure apt automatically, without knowing your {arch} or {dist}, run the following (may require sudo):

bash -c 'cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lscdebian.list' << EOF
deb [trusted=yes]$(dpkg --print-architecture)-$(. /etc/os-release; echo $VERSION_CODENAME) ./

Not every {arch}-{dist} combination is supported

Not all combinations are available, and some packages may be unavailable due to unaddressed build failures!

Also, newer versions of Debian may be supported before this page is updated. You can find out the codename of each Debian distribution on the Debian Releases website; if your favoured codename isn't listed above, try it anyway and it might work. If it doesn't work (the URL returns '404 Not Found') it's probably too new and not yet supported by the AEI-Potsdam-Golm group, or too old and support has been removed.

Once this is configured, run (may require sudo):

apt-get update

to make the new package source available to APT.

To check that this configuration works, you should be able to search for IGWN-internal packages, e.g. lal:

Verify Debian configuration

# apt-cache policy lal
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 7.1.6-1+deb10u0
  Version table:
     7.1.6-1+deb10u0 500
        500 ./ Packages

Contributing software

To contribute software to the IGWN Debian Repositories:

  1. Upload a source distribution to a supported archive

  2. Open an IGWN Software Change Request ensuring that one or more of t Debian XX (Codename) distribution checkboxes are filled.


If you run into problems with this approach, please contact