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The IGWN Conda Distribution

Conda is an open source package management system. It enables users of Windows, macOS, or Linux, to create, save, load, and switch between software environments on any computer.

The IGWN Conda Distribution is a programme to manage and distribute software and environments used by IGWN using the conda package manager, the conda-forge community, and the CernVM File System (CVMFS).

Configuring conda

Please see the IGWN Conda Distribution user guide for all instructions on installing a Conda distribution (if required) and installing IGWN software.

Adding packages

To add packages to the IGWN Conda Distribution:

  1. Follow the Contributing to conda-forge documentation to update/add a recipe for a package.

  2. Open an IGWN Software Change Request ensuring that the Conda (conda-forge) distribution checkbox is filled.


For support using the IGWN Conda Distribution, please open a ticket with the IGWN Computing Help Desk.