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Configure jobs to push newly-built images from the GitLab Container Registry to other registries, notably Docker Hub and, or to apply production-like tags to existing images on the GitLab Container Registry.


  - component:<VERSION>
      stage: publish


Input Default value Description
stage publish The pipeline stage to add jobs to
image_name $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE The name of the image to push to the container registry.
pull_image_tag The image to pull, should match the image_tag passed to the build component
push_image_tag The new tag to apply and push, defaults to the git tag or branch name
push_when "tags" When to push tagged images to registries, one of "tags" (only for git tags), "default" (pushes to the default git branch), "all" (pushes to all git branches)
tag_latest true If true tag the new image as 'latest' and push to registries
docker_io_repository Name of target repository on Docker Hub
quay_io_repository Name of target repository on
upstream_project_path Path of the upstream project (to ensure that push jobs don't run on pipelines for forks of the upstream project).


  • In all pipelines, this component creates a job called docker_push_gitlab that will push a tagged image to the local gitlab container regsitry.

  • With the tag_latest input, a latest image is only tagged for git tag or default branch pipelines.

  • For details on pushing to Docker Hub see Pushing to Docker Hub.

  • For details on pushing to see Pushing to

Pushing to Docker Hub

If the docker_io_repository input is specified, this component creates a job called docker_push_docker_io that will push a tagged image to the designated repository on the Docker Hub container registry.

This job requiress the following additional variables to be defined as masked, protected project variables:

Name Purpose
DOCKER_HUB_USER The username to user when authenticating to with docker login
DOCKER_HUB_TOKEN The access token to use when authenticating

Pushing to

If the quay_io_repository input is specified, this component creates a job called docker_push_quay_io that will push a tagged image to the designated repository on the container registry.

This job requiress the following additional variables to be defined as masked, protected project variables:

Name Purpose
QUAY_USER The username to user when authenticating to with docker login
QUAY_TOKEN The robot account password to use when authenticating