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Public data

A subset of IGWN data are released to the public via the Gravitational-wave Open Science Center.

GWOSC data on the OSDF

Large data sets published by GWOSC are available via the /gwdata OSDF namespace.

Namespace CVMFS path Read scope Write scope
/gwdata /cvmfs/ N/A N/A

Data URLs are discoverable using GWDataFind:

Discovering GWOSC OSDF URLs using GWDataFind.

from gwdatafind import find_urls

This should give the following output:


This file is also available directly using the Pelican client as follows:

pelican object get osdf:///gwdata/O1/strain.4k/frame.v1/H1/1126170624/H-H1_LOSC_4_V1-1126256640-4096.gwf data.gwf