IGWN aggregated data¶
The 1-second low-latency strain data are made available for rapid analysis with a few seconds/minutes latency. For higher-latency analysis, the 1-second data are aggregated into longer files (typically a few thousand seconds) for custodial storage and distribution.
Aggregated strain dataset¶
The name of the aggregated strain dataset is different for each IGWN observatory; IGWN members should see the relevant subpage of the JRPC Wiki for information on the name of the relevant aggregated strain dataset and contained channels for each observing epoch.
For O4 the datasets are as follows:
Observatory | Aggregated strain dataset name |
GEO | G1_RDS_C01_L3 |
LIGO-Hanford | H1_HOFT_C00 |
LIGO-Livingston | L1_HOFT_C00 |
Virgo | HoftOnline |
OSDF publication¶
The aggregated strain dataset for each observatory is published into the appropriate OSDF namespace for distributed access. Each OSDF namespace is also made available via CVMFS.
The following table describes the namespace, the CVMFS base path, and the SciToken scope required for reading or writing data:
Namespace | CVMFS path | Read scope | Write scope |
/igwn/kagra | /cvmfs/kagra.storage.igwn.org | read:/kagra | N/A |
/igwn/ligo | /cvmfs/ligo.storage.igwn.org | read:/ligo | N/A |
/igwn/virgo | /cvmfs/virgo.storage.igwn.org | read:/virgo | N/A |
These data are discoverable using GWDataFind.
OSDF publication of GEO data is incomplete.
Aggregated strain data from the GEO-600 detector are currently not published into an OSDF namespace, but this work is on the roadmap.
For information, see computing/helpdesk#4756.
Reading aggregated strain data in HTCondor jobs.
For details on reading these data in an HTCondor workflow, please see Accessing IGWN data with HTCondor.