Nemo (UWM)¶
Key information | |
Home page | |
Account sign-up | See Requesting an account on the LDG page |
Support | Open a Help Desk ticket |
SSH CA Cert1 | @cert-authority * ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBKQJ2hQgggD8AS3DJSTfMFp83PvKx/P5gdwxgnqYQXVmsoWEmWrdq717vd1GGpCG5e2/aiBJ5ci7/fLO/LBvOZE= UWM_SSH_CERT_AUTHORITY |
This service is available for all @LIGO.ORG registered collaboration members with accounts and access coordinated as part of the LIGO Data Grid.
Login hosts¶
The login host for Nemo is
For details on how to connect to this machine, please see Access to the LIGO Data Grid.
Certificate authority integration with NEMO grid-computing hosts is still pending. Currently limited to services hosted at UWM, such as GitLab. It is still recommended to add the certificate authority now to prevent future disruptions. ↩