Key information | |
Home page | https://ldas-doc.gw.iucaa.in/ |
Account sign-up | See Requesting an account on the LDG page |
Support | Open a Help Desk ticket |
SSH CA Cert | @cert-authority * ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBBGzFy23njMYMcuEGrL84a5nfX+sOOIpvpG5zdIRHk29PDlFCmoExkoO13cRsaLb+kcjHI6P4NoBcRmg4A/Vh/8= IUCAA_SSH_CERT_AUTHORITY |
This service is available for all @LIGO.ORG registered collaboration members with accounts and access coordinated as part of the LIGO Data Grid.
Login hosts¶
Hostname | Description | Mem | CPU model | Core | GPU |
ldas-osg1.gw.iucaa.in | IGWN OSG submit machine | 32GB | Virtual machine | 8 | |
ldas-pcdev4.gw.iucaa.in | Login and job submission node | 64GB | Virtual Machine | 8 |
For details on how to connect to these machines, please see Access to the LIGO Data Grid.